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  • 103 Steps
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DISCOVER YOUR TRUTH Many of us have built our lives according to what we were taught from family, modern culture, and society. We have often played a role that served the system and not our REAL selves. When we live in and from our truth, we connect with our authenticity. The process of self-actualization is not striving to become the person we are supposed to be. It is shedding what is not true for us so that we can live in alignment with our highest self. When we connect with our truth, we come to awaken an essence of peace & joy from within to discover why we are really here. This program is perfect for anyone seeking to awaken their inner truth. Meditation, combined with community & inner growth practices can transform your life as you know it now. Are you looking for the support of a community with access to live meditations, breath work, and daily guidance? Look no further! ✨ Learn practical tips & techniques to awaken authenticity. ✨ Understand the practices to shift your consciousness to embrace the present moment. ✨ Break old patterns of resistance to accept what has come into your life. ✨ Discover new ways to overcome obstacles to inner growth & Unlock your full potential. ✨ Learn how to move to the next stage of consciousness through a heart-centered daily meditation practice.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app



Single Payment
Monthly Membership
$33.99/month + $6.00 One time member fee


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