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  • 95 Steps
Everyone who has completed all steps in the program will get a badge.


LET GO INTO STILLNESS We live in a fast-paced, constantly changing world. The excess of information, distractions, and demands on our time and attention make it difficult to find a moment of peace and quiet. There is a way to find calm and clarity amidst the chaos! This daily meditation program will guide you to cultivate a sense of peace, clarity, and well being in your daily life. Meditation, combined with community & inner growth practices can transform your life as you know it now. Are you looking for the support of a community with access to live meditations, breath work, and daily guidance? Look no further! Come learn how relaxing into stillness is actually a highly functional state and is the source of all action. When we learn how to Let Go we manifest greater clarity and wisdom. ✨ Learn the foundation and basics of meditation in stillness ✨ Understand the practices of Letting Go to release identification with your thoughts ✨ Dive deep into the qualities and vibration of stillness ✨ Connect with the awareness of the present moment ✨ Learn how to integrate practices of stillness into your daily life The Inner Source Meditation Community: Cultivate daily inner work Inspirational daily quotes & monthly themes Group Accountability Monthly group kick off meetings to meet members, ask questions LIVE online group guided meditations 3 times each week Experience the support of a safe, loving, nourishing group of spiritual beings

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app



Single Payment
Monthly Membership
$33.99/month + $6.00 One time member fee


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