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21 Days of Gratitude - Guided Meditation Journey

  • 39 Steps


Are you looking to create or revive a daily meditation practice with healing energy and community support? In this 21-day deep dive & meditation journey we will use the power of gratitude to unlock greater joy, stability, energy, abundance, life balance and inner peace ! ☮️ This meditation experience will be done at a time each day that works for YOU. The program includes: 🙏 21 Daily inspirational quotes and images of gratitude to set the days theme. 🙏 21 Custom daily meditation audios, by Kathy Katts, to guide you. The meditations will include a guided and silent portion. (Daily audio's are approx 20 minutes). Done at your own pace. 🙏 21 Days of receiving distance Reiki from Kathy. 🙏Daily guided breath work to prepare you for meditation. 🙏Custom mantras in sync with the days theme, included in the guided audio. 🙏21 days of reflection questions included for optional journaling to enhance your experience. 🙏 A private group for all participants. 🙏A safe, inspirational, spiritually evolved group to meditate with daily, uplift your vibration, keep you accountable and help you drop deeper into meditation.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app



Single Payment
Monthly Membership
$33.99/month + $6.00 One time member fee


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