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Spring, The Season of Rebirth

Spring is a time of rebirth. A new beginning. Here in the North East we are eagerly awaiting the growth of April flowers, the warm Spring air and buds on the trees. May it remind us that each morning as the sun rises, we begin again. A long Winter allows us to appreciate the warmer seasons and teach us that each moment delivers a lesson in presence. The natural cycle of birth, death and rebirth happens all around us in nature. We may not realize it, but it is also happening each day within our own physical bodies. Every 5 days the cells that line the stomach replace themselves. Every 90 days the body has a completely new set of red blood cells. Every 6 months the majority of the liver cells are replaced and the liver can grow a new lobe in 2 months if a lobe is surgically removed. Even those parts of us which we think is so solid (our bones) are constantly being replaced, so that within 1 year over 98% of all the molecules in the body have been replaced. If “you” are your body, “you” were not here a year ago – you have been replaced by a clever double. The amazing ability to be reborn lives within not only the body but the soul. As our awareness and consciousness grows our soul evolves to higher levels. To be reborn and to live life at our full potential we must cultivate our growth on the Physical, Mental, Emotional & Spiritual levels. This Spring may you reflect on these questions below to understand the area of rebirth that your body, mind & soul is calling for...

1. How much time do you spend per day / week on your self care and spiritual growth?

2. On a scale from 1-10 how important is your Physical, Emotional, Mental & Spiritual growth? Rate each of the 4 areas separately. 3. What obstacles challenges and struggles do you regularly come up against? 4. What will happen if you do not make changes and ignore this? 5. In 12 months from now, what would have to had happen over those twelve months for you to be happy with your progress? 6. How would achieving these things make a difference in your life? There is no better time like the present to make a change... For a 30 minute complimentary strategy session contact me. With Love, Kathy

"Each night when I go to sleep I die.

And the next morning when I wake up, I am reborn."

~ Mahatma Ghandi

Ayurvedic Spring Tips

In the timeline of life according to Ayurveda, Spring and all new growth is Kapha. Our physiology senses an organic opportunity for a new beginning. Our bodies are ready to lighten things up, cleanse ourselves of accumulated toxins and rejuvenate the 'issues in our tissues'. As we emerge from a long Winter season, may we experience a renewal across all areas of our life.

If you’re feeling a bit imbalanced as you transition to spring, no matter what your dosha, you can eat more foods that help calm the heavy, cold, and oily Kapha qualities. Enjoy fresh, steamed veggies (not raw veggies), greens (including broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage), broth, brown rice, and a variety of legumes, which are astringent and bitter. All designed to lighten the cool, wet heaviness of Spring.

Eat fewer foods that are sweet, sour, salty, heavy, cold, and oily, including fried food and cold or frozen dairy, such as ice cream. Eating dairy during the Spring months adds to congestion and can aggravate seasonal allergies.

Spring Vegetable Soup (from the Chopra Center)

Makes 6 servings

This soup provides a refreshing, light way to help pacify Kapha in the spring.


-2 teaspoons coconut oil

-1 large radish, chopped

-3 stalks celery, chopped

-2 stalks bok choy, chopped

-1 small onion, chopped

-8 cups of water

-1 large carrot, chopped

-½ head green cabbage, shredded

-4 to 6 cloves garlic, sliced

-2 tablespoons fresh ginger, grated

-1 tablespoon lime zest

-1 teaspoon sea salt

-1 teaspoon black pepper

-¼ cup fresh parsley, minced


-Melt the coconut oil in a large soup pot over medium heat. Add radish, celery, bok choy, and onion, and sauté.

-Add the water, carrot, cabbage, garlic, grated ginger, lime zest, sea salt, and black pepper. Increase heat to high, cover and cook for 10 minutes.

-Add fresh parsley and remove from heat. Stir, cover, and let sit for 10 minutes before serving.

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